Positive results in 2014

The shareholders ratified the operating results of the Company. Rising the revenues of logistics and freight transport sector.
Still a positive balance for Ce.PIM. The shareholders’ meeting approved yesterday the financial statements for 2014 of the Company, closed with a stable result of the production value and a profit (before tax) of about 515.000 €.
The result was achieved through the consolidation of the core business, linked to the activities of handling and freight. To affect the result were especially the revenues from logistics, making up 68% of total turnover, with an increase of over 6% given the already very positive last year.
The achievement of results in this sector was driven by all product categories that the Bianconese Company manages, in particular iron and steel products, the intermodal transport services and the strengthening of Food Logistics, which over the last two months of last year has taken also the beginning of the “door-to-door” service for Barilla with the transport by rail of grain destined for the Pedrignano mill from Ravenna harbour.
The positive result, which confirms the number of previous years, comes in a global economic environment that showed the first signs of recovery but, in Italy, has remained stagnant. In this context Cepim held its high levels of performance and its full space of warehouses and yards, thanks to medium and long term agreements and partnerships.
“The financial statements of 2014 has confirmed that we are working in the right direction – said the CEO of Cepim Spa, Luigi Capitani – positioning ourselves on the market with a diversified offer of integrated logistics services, range of activities cut on the realities and specific needs of our Italian and international Customers. The strong point is the ability to reformulate and adapt the processes at all times. In addiction to this, we combine the ability to design and implement the best transport solutions, particularly by promoting intermodal solutions with low environmental impact. This makes us complete and reliable partner and the market is rewarding. In 2015 we will continue on this path, with strategic investments in logistics and internationalization initiatives, which will enable the creation of new value.”
The ongoing projects include, in particular, the strengthening of traffic on the railway between Parma’s Freight Village and the harbours of Ravenna and La Spezia, with different train types, after the positive results shown in recent weeks according to the study conducted by the Foundation ITL (Institute for Transport and Logistics), and the electrification of the railway Castelguelfo-Terminal freight village, which is expected to start the construction phase by mid-year. The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport by the Emilia Romagna region with a total contribution of about 4 millions of Euro.
“With this financial statements we consolidate our position and our role – said the president of Cepim, Johann Marzani – despite the general crisis of the logistics and freight transport sector, make still feel its effects. Of course, this is not enough: we need to grow further, providing more and more particular services in terms of quality, for our country and international context Companies; we have to be more and more up to the challenges that the market imposes.
In addition, the future goals will be: increasing our profitability and the resulting profit margins, helping to increase employment levels in our area. Among the objectives there are also the qualifications of infrastructure and the development of intermodal connections with the link’s growth, which is our contribution to the environment and security in the territory.”
The Shareholders’ Meeting also ratified the appointment of the Board of Directors, which sees the confirmation of the same Luigi Captains and Johann Marzani, Viviana De Paolis, Elvira Loreto, Carmine Conte, Giuseppe Aimi, Alberto Bertoli, George Head, and Erico Verderi. To these are added: Enrico Barbasso, Antonio Tirelli, Francesco and Francesca Benassi Meduri to replace the outgoing directors, who Marzani Captains and thanked for their work.
The Supervisory Board confirmed the triad of Genesio Banchini, Bruno Mambriani and Fulvio Tau. They are joined in his capacity as deputy mayor, Maurizio Fantaccione.